via domaine homeGoodness, last week absolutely flew by. Between not feeling well for a couple of days, the blizzard and design projects….I found myself working from home the entire week and having a difficult time catching up. I was feeling really off last week – perhaps the cold weather is getting to me or I just need to find some motivation. It was just a weird week.

Do you ever have weeks like that? Where you just feel off and uninspired for no particular reason?

Since I work for myself, I often feel guilty if I have to take a couple of days to get back in the groove of things or because I am sick. Let’s be honest, work won’t just magically do itself.

I will be back in action in a couple of days, but I appreciate you all in my little mental break! 🙂




you are not alone! I always get into a little bit of a funk this time of year and all this snow is just magnifying it. Working for yourself doesn’t help either- there’s always something I feel like I should be doing. Luckily, things will slow down, inspiration will return, snow will melt, and spring will come. Until then I recommend a warm blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, and a furry friend 😉

I think I remember getting into a funk like this last year during this time too! I guess being cooped up inside with little to no sun can really affect your mood. I love your recommendations and could agree more 🙂 hope you are doing well friend!